a couple of twenty-somethings writing about our attempt at figuring out 'adult' life.

Monday 7 November 2016

A weekend with Hamish #BorrowMyDoggy

I joined Borrow My Doggy about a month ago, and was lucky enough to meet this little guy (pictures below).

For those of you who have no idea what Borrow My Doggy is, it's almost like a dating website for potential doggy friends. I feel like that's the best way to describe it. You pay £9.99 for the membership for the year, and you can message as many dog owners or dog borrowers (if you're an owner) as you want to. 

If you're an owner, you can create profile listing the needs of your dog for example, if you need someone to watch your pup for a weekend away, or you need regular help walking your dog because your circumstances have changed, or if your dog just needs a bit more socialised!

If you're a borrower, like me, you get the chance to help make an owners life a little easier whilst getting to look after the cutest friends, and see what it's like to look after a dog.

I messaged Hamish's owners as soon as I saw his little face pop up onto my screen. We went for a walk by the beach, and then the following week he came to stay over at ours for a night to see how he'd get on. I think the best part of the whole thing is that you get the opportunity to meet loads of new doggy friends, and truly get an understanding of the needs of a dog. Even though my family has always had a dog, actually looking after one for a period of time is the best way to figure out if you could handle the routine, and if you could fit the needs of a little pup into your life.

We had the best time having Hamish over, we both really miss having a dog around, and can't wait to eventually have one ourself. I love getting to have Hamish for all the pup cuddles, walks and play time.. can't wait for our next doggy date!
I know you're just teasing me with treats so that I look adorable in photos, Ysabelle.

Gimme dem treatz plz 

Are we even going for a walk or are you just going to take photos of me, human?

Lets go, lets go, lets go!




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